July 2019 Wildflowers

Some people say that the best camera is the one you have with you, which is why most of the pictures on this site come from a cell phone camera. It’s decent, but every once in a while you want to grab a real camera and capture the beauty, so enjoy these pictures taken with my 10 year old Nikon D3100. I still love this camera!

A Monarch butterfly enjoying the purple coneflowers.
Our dog enjoying the wildflowers.
Black and White Dragonfly
I love these purple Zinnias. They add long lasting color when the perennials fade out.
The dragonflies really love our space
Another view of the orange dragonfly. Did I mention I love this camera?
A tired monarch relaxing at home in our sanctuary.
The black eyed susans really thrive in our sunny space.
More purple coneflowers
There’s plenty of pollen and nectar for all of the pollenators.
Bugs on milkweed
These were in our front flower bed, not the wildflowers, but they still looked wonderful.

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