Category Archives: landscaping

Early 2019 Landscaping

The plants we saved over the winter are still waiting in the basement.

Saving Coleus and Rooting
Coleus and coral bells waiting for warmer weather.
Starting annuals inside

While the new annuals take root inside, it’s still plenty cold outside in March and April. We even had our typical mid-April snowfall to remind us that winter wasn’t done yet.

Late snow in April

As you can see, we usually get fooled with an early spring, then a snow in mid-April. It’s very common for us to get frost any time through April, and even into early May. But, by mid May, we are really starting to see signs of blooms, like these phlox.

Soon we’ll be able to really head outside to plant the new annuals and really enjoy our spring weather. Can’t wait to see how all the plants do this year!

Fall 2018 Color

We like to keep as many of our annuals as we can from year to year, and one of the easiest plants to propagate is the coleus. Each fall we take some clippings of our favorites and use them to brighten up the kitchen sink windowsill while they take root, preparing them for next year. These were brought inside early October 2018. If you look, you might be able to see the leaves changing color in the background.

Saving Coleus and Rooting

I always love these early autumn days, as the leaves are changing but the days are still sunny and warm. It’s one of my favorite times of the year.

Early Fall Colors from the Sugar Maples

Later in the winter, you can see we’ve moved some of the coleus into the basement seed starting area, nursing them along until warmer weather comes in May.

Coleus and coral bells waiting for warmer weather.

Watching the grass grow

Want to learn how to go from bare dirt to a lush lawn in less than 1  year?  I’ll show you the steps I took to get these results!

Growing a lawn in one year from seed
Growing a lawn in one year from seed

Oh, the joys of building a new house – you get to establish the lawn.  Of course, we could always just pay to have it done, but being super frugal we’ve decided to plant it ourselves.  Here’s some pics to see the status.

October 11, 2015. 10 days after planting Tall Fescue. 4″ of topsoil brought in to the front yard, with irrigation system.

We used mostly Tall Fescue from TSC for this planting, although since we were so close to winter I decided to throw some winter rye in the mix just in case.  I didn’t get this grass planted until October 1 in Michigan, which is LATE!  2 months earlier would have been just fine with me. My other post lists different grass seed options and the pros and cons of them.

October 15 - starting to see some real green
October 15 – starting to see some real green

October 25 – Finally filling in!

October 25 – just starting to fill in. Thank God this was a warm fall!