August 2019
August continued with color. This particular orange cosmos, my five year old daughter was thankful for during our yoga session together.
A sunflower attracts many pollinators. This particular sunflower was from one of our seed packets we started in our basement in March 2019.
September 2019
As September rolls in, the height of the sunflowers reminded us that summer is coming to an end and the kids are going back to school. Soaking up the warm colors as the sunflowers dance in the breeze of the meadow.
We are still greeted with a splash of color throughout the month. Knowing all too well the white snow is right around the corner.
The sea of yellow is starting to disappear. They held on since June.
From a distance the color is gone. The flowers are preparing for the end of season. As we prepare for the next.
October 2019
As the seasons begin to change, frost comes again. Now we appreciate the fall colors knowing the bright colors of summer will return after months of gathering seeds and preparing our indoor space once again where we come together to cheer on spring.
November 2019
At last, the flowers have their winter blanket covering them as yet another season comes to visit. In just a few weeks time from the first frost to the first snow fall. We look forward to what this winter has to offer – sledding, family gatherings, and getting ready for a new year, a new decade, and new growth of wildflowers!